Friday, June 29, 2012

Figuring this out...PLUS an ab work out for you guys :)

ok well...after being slightly... ok alot frustrated with figuring this blog set up and all...i think i got it...i have to mess around with it some more but hey im getting there! so yea it may change alot in the beginning til i get it completed haha. hopefully i can add some fitness tips and info this weekend for now im just trying to get this thing up and running! feel free to post questions or comments :) ok heres a quick ab workout im going to be doing this morning (along with some cardio and mmmm maybe some arms havent decided yet on the rest of my workout :))
1 minute iso plank hold (elbows or hands)
30 bike crunches (you know on back hands behind head, bring the right leg in with left leg straight out isolated though above the ground...bring left elbow to the right knee and switch get it like riding a bike..)
10 left side crunches
10 right side crunches
repeat 3 or 4 times :) enjoy!!!

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