Saturday, June 30, 2012

15 minute workout

Hey! So decided its been a couple days since I posted a workout...Id like to get some videos and/or pics showing you all some workouts but for now this will have to do :)
Here are a couple 15 minute workouts for this evening and tomorrow I thought you'd all enjoy. 
Workout 1  **Do 3 sets of each workout**
Squat          15
Push Ups     As many as possible
Hip Raises   12-15 (Lay on your back knees bent with feet flat on the ground ya know like youd be doing a sit up. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Hold 5 seconds, lower and repeat)
Dumbell Row 10-12 (Bend at your hips and knees lower torso until its almost parallel to floor. Let dumbells hang at arms length palms facing behind you. Bend elbows and pull dumbells to sides of your torso. Pause and repeat, slowly.)
Plank           Hold 30 seconds 

Workout 2 **do 3 sets of each workout**
Single Leg Hip Raise  12-15 each leg (Same position as above BUT raise one leg until its in line with your other thigh.)
Wide Arm Push Up   As many as possible
Crunch                    15
Reverse Crunch       15
Dumbell Shoulder Press 8-10

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