Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Body Weight Workout!

Good Morning! Well I was about to post some body weight workouts on here for you to do at home...I was FB stalking and came across this from inShape so decided to post it! Its a great workout, make sure you repeat it 3-4 times though :) I have more I can post as well so will either post later today or tomorrow morning....
Using your own body weight is one of the most effective and cost saving ways to get into amazing shape.  The workout below is designed for anyone choosing to tone & define their body using no more than a kitchen chair, yoga type mat and you guessed it…your own body weight.
Here’s an at home program to help you TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. Check it out!
Complete one exercise after the other without rest.  After the entire circuit is completed rest two minutes before moving to the next one.  Perform three complete circuits.
Be sure to watch the videos below for correct form.
Air Squats –  12 reps
Chair Dips –  20 reps
Side Plank –  12 reps each side
Mason Twist –  20 reps total
Mountain Climbers –  20 reps total
Push-ups –  20 reps
If you follow this link it will have videos of how to do all the above correctly. I highly recommend you check it out so you know you are doing it correctly :)

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