Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Snack Idea

MMMM! I saw these and I def want to try them out so figured Id share on here as well...I need to get the molds so we can make these and enjoy before our summer ends (which here will prob be sooner then later :p) This came from: http://befaithfulbefabulous.ca/2012/06/07/summer-snacking-healthy-fruit-orange-blossom-water-frozen-popsicle/


  • 16 ounces Cold Water
  • 1 ounce Orange Blossom Water
  • 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • Honey or your favorite natural sweetener to taste
    Stir well all ingredients in a bowl.
    Place cut up slices of fruit into your molds then pour mixture into the molds. Freeze.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Artificial Sweetners

Hi! I was watching Dr.Oz while folding some laundry this morning..he was talking about artificial sweeteners that caught my attention so decided to share the article on his site about it. Its a great source of info that most of us probably so not know(I know I was not aware of a lot of the info her shared).
You put artificial sweeteners in your coffee, drink them in your diet soda and use them to limit sugar intake and cut calories. But could they be hazardous to your health?

This question is critical since the average American consumes 24 pounds of artificial sweeteners each year. Soda is the most common place they’re found, but did you know that sugar substitutes are also added to nearly 6,000 other products sold in the US, including baby foods, frozen dinners and even yogurts?

The 3 major groups of FDA-approved artificial sweeteners on the market are:
  • Aspartame (includes Equal, Nutrasweet brands)
  • Sucralose (includes Splenda brand)
  • Saccharin (includes Sweet’N Low brand)
Besides artificial sweeteners, today’s grocery store shelves are also lined with substitutes for butter, salt and fat. In all of these cases, the substitute is not necessarily the better option.

Here’s the skinny on the 4 top questions concerning artificial sweeteners, and the facts you need to know regarding other popular “fake” foods.

The Skinny on Artificial Sweeteners
Can They Cause Weight Gain?
Many people use artificial sweeteners to cut their caloric intake, but the very opposite effect can occur. New research shows that artificial sweeteners stimulate taste receptors that sense sweetness in both the esophagus and stomach. Anticipating energy, the pancreas releases insulin, an important hormone for accumulating body fat. At the same time, chemicals are sent to the brain’s satiety center, which becomes confused as to whether or not the body is actually receiving calories. The result? You feel even hungrier and less full, which can lead to weight gain.

Are They Addictive?
First, artificial sweeteners are substances some people feel they can’t live without, a sign of an addiction. Second, artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than natural sugars, such as those found in whole grains, fruits and skim milk, and can actually reset your taste buds. The body then builds up a tolerance, which can cause overuse, another sign of addiction.

The theory between artificial sweeteners and weight gain extends to include addictive behavior. As the sweet receptors in the esophagus and stomach become “tricked” by the zero-calorie sugar substitute, you crave more food and become susceptible to addictive eating habits like binging or overeating.

Are They Linked To Diabetes?
Since artificial sweeteners cause your body to crave more food, you can put on weight, which increases your risk for diabetes.

Whether you’re diabetic or not, limit yourself to no more than 2 servings of artificial sweeteners per day. (A serving size equals 1 sweetener packet or 1 diet soda.)

Can They Cause Cancer?
When artificial sweeteners like saccharin were first marketed, some animal studies showed an increased rate of cancer in animals. However, the FDA has done due diligence in their research for these sweeteners, and no evidence exists that moderate use in humans can cause cancer.

Naturally Sweet Alternatives
Instead of artificial sweeteners, try one of these natural alternatives.
  • Honey:  Unlike white table sugar, honey is a complex food. One teaspoon contains 25 other compounds including proteins, amino acids and trace minerals.
  • Agave: A distilled sweetener derived from the blue agave cactus, agave has a low glycemic index.
  • Stevia: A low-calorie sweetener that comes from a plant native to Paraguay and Brazil, stevia is 200 times sweeter than table sugar, so a little goes a long way.
Other Popular Food Substitutes
Here’s the rundown on 4 other popular food substitutes.

Butter vs. Margarine
Unlike butter, margarine is made of vegetable oil and contains zero cholesterol. But not all margarines are equal, and some are worse for you than butter.  As a rule of thumb, avoid more solid margarines; they often contain trans fats, which increase the risk of heart disease.

As an alternative to butter and margarine, choose olive oil, one of Dr. Oz’s anti-aging superfoods. Click here for more information on olive oil.

“Homemade” Oil Spray vs. Non-stick Spray
Non-stick sprays made from different oils come in pressurized containers, so you’re not just getting oil but added chemicals. Make your own by filling a spray pump bottle with olive, walnut or other healthy, monounsaturated oils.

Fat vs. Olestra
Olestra is a fat substitute found in snack items like potato chips. Although it takes the fat out of foods, it can also cause extreme GI side effects like gas, cramping and even anal leakage. The next time you’re craving a crunchy snack, try a handful of almonds or walnuts, loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Table Salt vs. Potassium Chloride
People with high blood pressure often reach for salt substitutes. Many contain potassium chloride, which can be harmful, especially for people with kidney disease. To reduce your sodium intake, try sprinkling dry or fresh herbs on foods for added zest.

Click here for low-salt recipes and tips on substituting herbs for salt.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Butt&Thighs II

Good Morning! I have a butt and thighs II workout :) I added some core every two leg moves to give the legs alittle break! I will probably be doing this workout tomorrow as well, we did legs last night in a class I took so my poor my muscles need a break for a day. Hope you all eenjoy!

 Exercise               Reps (Repeat two times)
Skaters                      24 each side
Side Lunges               24 each side
Push Up                    10-12
Single Leg Squat       24 each leg
3 Way Lunge            4 reps each side (Side, 45 degree, front = ONE rep)
Plank (either hold it for 60 seconds OR lower the knee gently to tap the floor rotating knees and do 50 knee taps.)
Squat w/Calf Raise     25
Balance Lunges (using a chair for one foot) 12 each side
Side Plank Dip(Right side)  15
Clam Shell               15 each side
Leg Raise                15 each side
 Side Plank Dip (Left side) 15
Leg Raise
Side Plank Dip(if feet stacked are too hard, put the top leg(foot)slight in front of bottom leg OR bend at the knees if thats too hard as well)

Side Lunge
Balance Lunges

Clam shell

Push Up

Squat with Calf Raise
Add caption

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

30 Minute Workout

1)Jumping Jacks 2 minutes
2)Side Lunge -Stand holding 5- to 8-pound dumbbells. Step right leg out to side and bend knee to 90 degrees, reaching hands down on either side of right foot. Push off right foot to return to standing with right foot directly in front of left foot, arms sweeping up with palms facing in. Repeat on left side with left foot stepping behind right as you return to center; that’s 1 rep. Do 24 reps, then switch lead legs and repeat.
3) Squat with weight above your head
4)Line hops - lay a towel down and hope side to side over it (either one leg over, one leg over OR both legs at the same time )
5)Hip Raise-Lie on your back, feet hip-width apart, flexed left foot on a yoga block or telephone book, right foot on the floor. Keeping shoulders and head neutral and abs tight, lift hips so your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees. Lower down, then lift right foot, bringing knee in toward chest. Return foot to floor; that’s 1 rep. Do 24 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
5)Bicep/Shoulders- Stand with legs slightly wider than hip-width, a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand, elbows bent and palms up. Keeping spine straight, squat and circle left hand up and in toward your shoulder in a circular motion (as if beckoning someone toward you); reverse to lower hand. Do 16 reps, then switch sides and repeat. 
6)Fast feet- get the towel again :) hope foward and backward over the towel(once again either one foot one foot or both together at the same time)
7)Triceps/Abs- Lie on back with knees bent, a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in right hand lifted so weight is over shoulder. Let knees fall left while bending right elbow until end of weight touches floor near ear. Straighten right arm while lifting hips, legs, head, and shoulders. Lower gently down. Do 24 reps, then switch sides and repeat. 
8)Standing Crunch- Raise your arms, then lift left knee and bring right elbow down to meet it. Repeat on opposite side; alternate for 2 minutes, moving as quickly as possible. You’re done!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Paleo Taco Salad

Tonight we had Paleo Taco Salad...its a beautiful evening so we decided to enjoy it outside on the deck. The kiddos LOVED the salad as well, which always makes the meal a keeper :) Hope you and our family and friends enjoy as well!!!:)

Paleo Taco Salad
Makes plenty for two adults. Approximate cooking time: 30 minutes.
1 lb lean ground beef or turkey 1/2 yellow onion, diced
2 Tbs chili powder 1 medium tomato, diced
1 tsp garlic salt 3 romaine hearts
1 tsp cumin 1 can black olives, sliced
1/2 tsp oregano 1 avocado
1/2 tsp sea salt fresh cilantro
3/4 cup water 1 small jar of salsa
1) Heat medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add beef or turkey and
onion to pan. Cook for about 10 minutes, or until browned.
2) Add chili powder, garlic salt, cumin, oregano, sea salt and water,
and let simmer for 5 minutes more.
3) Meanwhile, wash lettuce and tear onto two plates (save some for leftovers).
4) Top with meat, sliced avocado, black olives, tomatoes, cilantro and salsa

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Made some delicious fried egg plant with some spaghetti noodles and sauce yum yum! :) Def a good lunch!

Lets start our week out right! Eat clean, exercise, and enjoy! :) 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Paleo Sausage Stir Fry Bfast


Sausage Stir -Fry Breakfast
Makes breakfast for two adults. Approximate cooking time: 20 minutes.
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1) Heat a skillet over medium heat, and add coconut oil when hot.
2) Add diced onions and sauté until slightly translucent.
3) Add sausage and cook until browned, tossing frequently.
4) Add greens, reduce heat to medium-low, and cover.
5) Serve when the greens are wilted and soft (about 5 minutes)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Butt and Thigh WorkOut

Hi! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July, we sure did :) Well I had a request for some booty and thigh workouts sooooo here some are! I'll write the exercises and attach pics as I have done before :)This could def be done in 30 min as well which seems to be a high demand time frame :) Feel free to comment or ask questions!
ClamShell 15 each side
Leg raises 15 each side
Squat        25 
Side lunges 15 each side
Lunges      15 each side
Calf raises 30
Hip Extension 15 each side
**REPEAT 2-3 times**
Leg Raise

Hip Extention



Side Lunge


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

As requested :) 30 Minute Workout

As requested! Here is a 30 min workout for you busy moms out there! So perfect for nap time, dora, blues clues... you get the idea :) 
Ill post the workouts and then also attach pics of how its done! Let me know what you all think! :)
30 Minute Workout!
Squat 15
Pushup           as many as possible (15 is a good number, on toes or knees)
Hip Raises     15
Dips               15
Mt Climber     30 fast
Plank             30 second hold
Lunges           12 both leg
Hip Raise
Push Up         as many as possible
Side Plank      30 second hold each side
Mt Climber     30 fast
 Repeat each move 3 times.
Push Up
Side Plank

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Body Weight Workout!

Good Morning! Well I was about to post some body weight workouts on here for you to do at home...I was FB stalking and came across this from inShape so decided to post it! Its a great workout, make sure you repeat it 3-4 times though :) I have more I can post as well so will either post later today or tomorrow morning....
Using your own body weight is one of the most effective and cost saving ways to get into amazing shape.  The workout below is designed for anyone choosing to tone & define their body using no more than a kitchen chair, yoga type mat and you guessed it…your own body weight.
Here’s an at home program to help you TRANSFORM YOUR BODY. Check it out!
Complete one exercise after the other without rest.  After the entire circuit is completed rest two minutes before moving to the next one.  Perform three complete circuits.
Be sure to watch the videos below for correct form.
Air Squats –  12 reps
Chair Dips –  20 reps
Side Plank –  12 reps each side
Mason Twist –  20 reps total
Mountain Climbers –  20 reps total
Push-ups –  20 reps
If you follow this link it will have videos of how to do all the above correctly. I highly recommend you check it out so you know you are doing it correctly :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Workout Idea...Kinda late... :p

Well I wanted to post a workout for everyones Monday morning BUT i kept hitting snooze and ran outta time this morning. So I know its kinda late BUT heres what I had planned to post this morning :)
Abs and Arms 
30 second plank hold
20 bike crunches
10 vertical crunches(shown below

10 reverse crunches
(OR 20 second plank, 20 bikes, 10 left side crunches, 10 ride side crunches)
Repeat 3 times
You will need some equipment for this one. (Dumbells and a chair for dips)
10 pushups (on knees or toes)
24 bicep curls (8 full, 8 half, 8 full)
15 shoulder presses
15 dips
15 back rows
15 lat raises
10 push ups
15 tricep kickbacks, then pulse for 20.
repeat 2-3 times
Tomorrow Ill post some body weight only workouts so that way if you do not have weights, a swiss ball, med ball, ect you can still get a good workout in! Sorry this post is so short and quick...kiddos need to get into bed!! Goodnight! :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Yummy! Dinner Time :)

Tonights dinner is.....drum roll please (you understand if you've tried this why it requires a drum roll)...
Paleo Beef and Vegetable Chili
 Makes a hearty pot of soup with plenty to freeze for leftovers or serve for
company (about 10 servings). Approximate cooking time: 90 minutes.
2 Tbs coconut oil
1 large yellow onion, diced
2 Tbs chili powder
1 tsp ground chipotle
2 tsp sea salt (optional)
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp garlic salt
2 lbs beef stew meat,
cut into 1”x1” chunks
2 (28 oz) cans diced tomatoes
2 (4 oz) can diced green chilis
1/2 of a (4 oz) can diced jalepenos
(may add more if desired)
1/2 tsp oregano
1) Heat large soup pot over medium-high heat.
2) When hot, add coconut oil and onion to pot and brown slightly.
3) Meanwhile, combine chili powder, sea salt, cumin and garlic salt in a large
dish. Roll raw beef stew meat in the mixture to coat on all sides.
4) When onions have browned slightly, add beef and brown on all sides.
5) Add the diced tomatoes. Fill the empty can with water and add to the
pot. Add green chilis, jalepenos, chipotle peppers, mushrooms, carrots,
oregano, thyme and bay leaf. Turn heat down to medium and cook for about
40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6) Add zucchini and red pepper, and cook for another 20 minutes.
7) Add kale and finish cooking for 10 more minutes. Season with sea salt if
Serve with sliced green onions, fresh cilantro and a dollop of thickened
coconut milk from the top of the can.
1/2 tsp thyme
1 bay leaf
7-8 medium mushrooms, sliced
2 medium carrots, sliced
2 medium zucchini, diced
1 yellow zucchini, diced
1 large red pepper, diced
4-6 large kale leaves, shredded
fresh cilantro for garnish
green onions for garnish
1 small can full fat coconut milk
(placed in the fridge for a few hours)

Skinny isn't always healthy either...

Skinny doesn't mean you're not overweight or obese. There are millions of skinny people with unhealthy body fat percentages.

Food and health...and so much more

Well I wanted to share something because I keep seeing jokes about being overweight ok and funny on facebook and such...its not exactly a joke when it involved your health and life. Obesity is the fastest growing health problem in the US. In America  66% of Americans older then the age of 20 are overweight and of these 34% (which is 72 million Americans) are obese. Obesity is associated with more then just being overweight, its associated with a variety of chronic health conditions as well as emotional and social problems. I have a BMI chart on this page if youd like to try it out. BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered normal(healthy), 25-29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of over 30 is considered overweight. (Itll ask you for your height and weight and go from there).
The cause of obesity is varied, the prime reason is energy balance (calories consumed vs calories expended). With the convenience of fast food, processed food (its fast, easy, and cheap) in America these days its no surprise the obesity epidemic is occurring. 60% of our foods we eat are processed foods, as I stated in yesterdays post about juicing.... On top of the foods we are being given now a days our activity levels have gone down as well...thanks to technology and convience we are much more sedentary which causes us to loose lean body mass (muscle). Which means we are loosing muscle and gaining weight. And because of this it is suggested we loose 5 lbs of muscle in a decade and gaining 15 lbs of fat a decade...scary thing is this can increase our risk of injuries and chronic health problems, not just increase our weight.

Obesity increases the risk of many health conditions, including the following:
  • Coronary heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Cancers, such as endometrial, breast, and colon cancer.
  • High total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides.
  • Liver and gallbladder disease.
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problems.
  • Degeneration of cartilage and underlying bone within a joint (osteoarthritis).
  • Reproductive health complications such as infertility.
  • Mental health conditions.

Food is our fuel....it effects our bodies, our moods...how we feel. We are either helping ourselves or hurting ourselves. Now I am by no means saying I'm better than anyone else because clean eating is still a struggle for me daily but it's something Im trying to work on and teach my kids the right eating habits...teaching them the pros/cons to foods we eat. Exercise plays a role as well not just our foods :) Bottom line we need to get moving, moving, moving (and watch our food intake). And I'm no pro :p I'm still learning so much about health, food, exercise just sharing what I have learned hoping it helps give you all some good info please feel free to ask any questions or post any comments :)
**Important part of exercise is not only cardio but resistance training (weights) which helps increase your lean muscle mass(muscle). Cardio is great for weight loss, mood, anxiety, sleep, energy and much more. Resistance is great for gaining lean muscle mass, helps reduce risk of injury, burns calories even after your done working out (because your muscles are rebuilding for a few days :)).
I'm sure I'll think of more to say and Id like to post about children and health as well. I'm no pro :p I'm still learning so much about health, food, exercise.
Ok well Ella-bella is wanting some breakfast so I better stop now :p What is she eating for breakfast I'm sure you are wondering right about now...eggs, cantaloupe and some milk. Yum Yum :)
"He who takes medicine, but neglects his diet wastes the skill of his doctors" -Ancient Chinese Proverb