Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pulled Pork and Brussels

Mmmm!! Smoked pulled pork with a side of Brussel sprouts turned out awesome!! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Simple Breakfast Idea!

Scrambles eggs with home grown jalapeƱos and vegan cheese with a side of bacon and peaches. Mmmm! Simple, quick, and easy!!

50 Bodyweight Exercises

No Excuse Workout!

While browsing Pinterest I came across this workout...keep in mind I LOVE Pinterest workouts, just ask my group classes :p Anyhow, I think this is a geat Friday at home workout so figured I'd share!

Back by popular demand!! :)

Hi!! Its been....well...way too long!
I have had a good bit of people coming to me for insight on how to loose this or to get "those" legs ( I'm talking about Carrie Underwoods legs, not mine of course!) Anyhow, I figured I better get the computer out and update some things on here and stat blogging again! If there are any specific issues, workouts, food questions, ect you have please feel free to post on here or FB me! Im hoping this site is a great encouragement to yall as well as accountability. So go....enjoy the past posts and enjoy the new clean and get moving!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Forks Over Knives Banana Granola Parfait

Well my house smells soooo yummy, the kids running in and out keep stopping in the kitchen asking what is cooking and if they can all have some :) So I figured I'd share on here as well! Now if you know me at all you know simple is the way I go...if i bake at all that is, normally I leave that up to my husband and my neighbor :p But I decided to go on and try this today...hope you all enjoy as well!! :) Its under the breakfast section in the cookbook, we are going to use it as an afternoon sweet treat and left overs for breakfast tomorrow morning.
Banana Granola Parfait

For the Banana Cream:
One 12 oz package extra firm silken tofu, drained.
2 ripe bananas
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup date molasses or brown rice syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
2 cups Banana Almond Granola (Recipe Below)
1/2 batch fruit salad or 4 cups (Recipe Below)

To make Banana Cream:
Combine the tofu, bananas, lemon juice, date molasses, vanilla extract, and salt in a blender and puree until smooth and creamy. Chill at least one hour before serving
To Assemble the parfait:
Have ready individual parfait glasses
Spoon 1/4 cup of Banana Cream in the bottom of glass, top with 1/4 cup of the granola, followed by 1/4 cup of the fruit salad. Repeat until the glass is full.

Banana Almond Granola:
 8 cups rolled oats
2 cups pitted and chopped dates
2 ripe bananas, peeled and chopped
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp salt (for taste)
1 cup slivered almonds (toasted), optional
Preheat oven to 275
Add oats to a large mixing bowl and set aside. Line two 13x18 inch baking pans with parchment paper.
Place dates in a medium saucepan with 1 cup water bring to a boil for 10 minutes.
Remove from heat and add mixture to blender with banana, almond extract, and salt. Process until smooth and creamy.
Add date mixture to granola and mix well. Divide granola mix between two baking sheets. Bake for 40-50 minutes stirring every 10 minutes, until granola is crispy. remoe from the oven and let cool before adding slivered almonds. Cereal will get crispy as it cools.

Fruit Salad:
1 pint fresh strawberries, stems removed and sliced
1 pint fresh blueberries
2 cups seedless grapes
1 ripe pear, cored and diced
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons date syrup(optional)
Pinch of ground sugar
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Chill until ready to serve

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baked Ziti by Forks Over Knives

We are very excited to try our first ever (well ok from the cookbook instead of their blog) recipe from Forks Over Knives tonight :) I will upload a pic once its out of the oven. 
Their site/blog has tons of info on plant protein VS animal protein, they also have a movie out as well that explains it even better. Enjoy!

Baked Ziti

1 large yellow onion, peeled and diced
4 cloves of garlic (minced)
2 tablespoons chopped oregano
One 28 ounce can diced tomatoes
Sea Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 pound whole grain ziti noodles
1 batch no cheese sauce (recipe below)

No-Cheese Sauce:
This sauce is great with the casserole and can be used for recipes like mac and cheese or baked ziti. Best of all, it takes about 5 minutes to put together.
1 large yellow onion, coarsely chopped
1 large red bell pepper, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons toasted cashews(optional)
1 tablespoon tahini(optional)
1 cup nutritional yeast
Sea salt to taste
Combine everything in a blender and puree until smooth and creamy.
**we also added nutmeg, we didnt use the cashews or tahini**